Conference presentation
"Easing entry into QKD with an ETSI 014 reference implementation, test suite and the standardisation of post processing" presented at 9th ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Event, France 13-15 Feb. 2023.

Manuscript preprint
"Modular source for near-infrared quantum communication" posted on arXiv [2301.12882].

Second Review meeting
Quango second review meeting.

Manuscript preprint
"Experimental cheat-sensitive quantum weak coin flipping" posted on arXiv [2211.03472].

Conference presentation
Presentation of Quango at 11th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Conference 2022

Conference presentation
Presentation of Quango at the Small Satellites and Services International Forum 2022 (SSSIF22)

Review meeting
Quango first review meeting.

Conference presentation
Presentation of Quango at the European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC)

Conference presentation
Presentation of Quango at the 5th Quantum Technology Conference - ESA

Conference presentation
Presentation of Quango at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC2021)

Progress meeting
Quango first progress meeting.

Quango kick-off meeting.

QUANGO started!
The official start of the project.